Friday, November 6, 2009

recent works

its really good practice for me to do at least 1 painting every day. :D
i think i got improvement.. :p

what do you guys think?


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sea Creature

Here some sea creature that i paint just now.
this creature was combination of whale, dragon, deer, shark(the fin if u can see it)

it was quick sketch about 40-50 mins


Weird pose! or kinda cool pose? ahaha

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sci-fi Girl

i still need to practice more, but i start understand lighting thingy! :D


Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween or helloween??

Happy halloween or helloween guys! i dont know how to spell it.

but yeah, happy... ha.. those!


Monday, October 19, 2009

face 1 practicing

face practicing. since it takes me so long to wait until 7am.

but this was fun :D


People need smile

i found this world is starting to produce so much haters.
but there's an amazing artist told us to say" thanks to haters and don't hate them back.
because of them we are getting better"- bobby chiu.
i dont know why. he pumped my head and my effort to keep drawing.

and at the end, i figure it out, that drawing is my best "break" after the tiredness of doing some school works and problems.

anyway, the disable kid means to keep smile to everyone in any conditions.

the boy who carries the disable kid have meaning "you can't do anything alone and always be a good friend instead of looking for a good friends"


bless you all


Sunday, October 18, 2009

homeless fighter

Lol, i definitely have no idea what should i call for this one..
homeless fighter? or.... something. i dont know.

but, i draw this for Coro's challenge in Chiu stream. hopefully i could get some vote.
i'm not willing to win. but i just wanna get the challenge.

its 10.45am now


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

peter de seve - challenge

I'm not satisfied with the result, but i satisfied because i took the challenge and keep going!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009